Importance of choosing the right domain name.
Meeting different people at business meetings, you listen to the name and introduce yourself to many people. As you move on to another business meeting you tend to forget most of the names. This is the case with the domain names as well. That why a domain name is important for a business.
Only names you remember that with some kind of uniqueness in his nature or his personality
You domain name just like that with some kind of uniqueness that stands out of the crowd.
Without the right domain name, you are just another one in this highly competitive marketing world. Your domain name should be easy to remember and should resemble your business or services you are offering.
Make statements with a unique stand of the domain name.
Instead of researching every other business domain, look at the competitor within your industry and look at what they are using for a domain name. Because you are a segment of that industry by looking at your competitor domain you might find out some kind of pattern. Based on that insight choose the name which stands out from the rest.
A combination of the keywords can help you to differentiate from amongst your industry.
If your local wholesale supplier in the metro area is competing with the other five suppliers you are domain name need to compete with and Based on the pattern you should use keyword and TLD combination like your target audience more likely to remember your domain name over the other.
Easy is the kay
Your domain name is difficult to recall to type in the web browser you lose the battle.
The easier to type your domain name as well as easier to recall chances are high that your domain name pops in the users’ mind. The shorter is better is the unwritten low.
If your domain is creative and smart but it is long like the user might stop typing your domain name. Because of that keep your domain name one or two words that quickly meet the website goal. is easy to remember and even shows that you’re from an online market.
The domain name should resemble your brand
You can be as creative as while selecting the domain name which is out of the box. But your goal is that your domain name should resemble your brand identity.
If your USP is different from your competitor use that USP to highlight yours in your domain name.
The domain which your chosen is already exist
It might happen that the domain name you chose is already taken by another business that does not mean the end of the road. You just try some more combinations which meet your primary goal. But you insist to stick with one which you chose, then you can also approach the owner after researching on the domain database and ask him whether they are interested in selling the domain name to you.
Another option is going for .com or .in TLD try to explore .store or .shop TLD which is still available and fits your criteria. Find out the different keywords or the unique spelling to create a stand out identity around your brand, like or

Make sure your business is identify
Your business stands out amongst the competitors with the domain name that meets your goals. And it will be unique enough to remember. When your domain name is having a strong identity and value, users will tend to listen to you what you’re saying and what you’re offering.